Discontinued Products

At Gentle Feels Limited, we are committed to offering you a curated selection of high-quality contact lenses and premium cosmetics. Occasionally, we may discontinue certain products to make way for new arrivals and innovations. This page serves as a reference for discontinued products and provides information on their availability.

Why Products Are Discontinued

There are various reasons why a product may be discontinued, including:

  1. Product Updates: We may update and improve our product formulations or packaging to better meet our customers' needs and preferences.

  2. Seasonal or Trend Changes: Some products may be discontinued due to changes in seasonal trends or shifts in consumer preferences.

  3. Supply Chain Factors: Discontinuations may occur due to challenges in sourcing raw materials or manufacturing processes.

Product Availability

While we strive to keep our product offerings up-to-date and relevant, discontinued products may still be available for purchase until inventory is depleted. If a product you love has been discontinued, we recommend purchasing it while supplies last.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or need assistance regarding discontinued products, please don't hesitate to contact us at contact@gentlefeels.com. Our customer support team is here to provide guidance and help you find suitable alternatives if needed.